The Black Cardinal

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Dawn of the Renaissance

Florence in 1478 is awakening to its own potential.  The Uffizi Palace does not yet exist. No Vasari corridor spans the Arno to Palazzo Pitti.  The Medicis, the leading family of Florence, feel no need to protect themselves from daily encounters with their fellow citizens in the marketplace.

Michaelangelo is three years old.  A rough block of marble sits in a stoneyard in Florence. Abandoned by a prominent sculptor, it is considered too flawed to be useful. Michaelangelo’s David stands inside, with many years to wait for release from his confinement within the stone. Angelina, a young woman of Tuscany, seeks her own release from the bonds of church, family and marriage.  Young, although neither innocent nor untutored.  Events will unfold that offer an alternative to the life she will otherwise lead.